
Hillfort Polatsk

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Ryhor Baradulin

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Page with stories told by this place

Historical overview


  1. І.І. Каліноўскі, "Тэхналагічная карта (Метадычная распрацоўка) і кантрольны тэкст агляднай экскурсіі па г. Полацку на тэму "Полацк – найстаржытнейшы горад Беларусі""

second half of VIII - second half of IX cent.

translation by the site team

The ancient hillfort was founded by the Balts - the ancestors of the modern Latvians and Lithuanians. The hill and the area of the settlement have survived till nowadays. That is the place where Polatsk was founded by the Kryviches in the 8th cent. - from the former Baltic settlement. Polatsk appeared as the trade-handicraft center of the Kryviches-polatsk citizens- and as the  local government residence. Such a status ensured  the city development during the IX-X th cent.

In chronicles Polatsk is called  Polotesk, Poltesk, Scandinavian Sagas rendered that name as Palteskjuborg, Palteskija. This city was destined to become the cradle of Belarusian statehood, culture and spirit, the historical homeplace of the Belarusians.

Unfortunately, the Polatsk Chronicles are keeping silence, they are gone, the amount of sources about Polatsk region is small from Russian chronicles. Quite a lot Polatsk is mentioned in Scandinavian Sagas.

The miescičy's stories

Polatsk citizens definitely have many different talents, skills, life experience, memories, knowledge etc. Some people do realize them, some — don't. This section is dedicated to the community of miesta.by. This is the place where true miescičy tell their stories about places they guest or live in

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Modern settlement long after the ancient hillfort

MiescičDzianis Jackievič

The walk around Polatsk hillfort, the winter view of unpopular places

Place's photo story

How to find this place